​ J–A–G | languages & identity | AMS · CDMX

​░░░░░░ » Lecture performance at Sonic Acts Biennial 2024 » Vimeo;  Apple podcast;  Spotify ▉​  12 Beelden op de berg : sculpture exhibition  ▉​  A minor event in the history of atomic timekeeping: Sonic Acts Symposium 2024  ▉​  Radio web MACBA: Son[i]a #373.2 » escenas eliminadas  ▉​  Rijksakademie Open Studios 2023  ▉​  Radio web MACBA: Son[i]a #373  ▉​  STRP Festival 2023  ▉​ podcast: STRP Here's to the future with... Juan Arturo García  ▉​  interview: INFRA magazine  ▉​  Taxonomías Ambiguas  ▉​  Taxonomic Ambiguity  ▉​  Who is We?—short films for Dutch Pavilion at La Biennale di Venezia  ▉​  Contagion  ▉​  Rendering Invisibilities » Thursday Night Live!  ▉​  Lithium  ▉​  web  ▉​  ​░░░░░░░